All The Comfort, Style and Support a Girl Wants

The first thing you look for in a sports bra, like any other piece of clothing, is comfort. And, the Brooks Rebound Racer provides just that, plus style and support – all things a girl could want out of a bra.

_S1_2762Around six months prior to taking on my She Science ambassador role, I had already purchased a Rebound Racer after being fitted by Ange. I wore it almost every day. Since then, I have adopted three more of the same, just in different colours.

What could possibly be so great about this model that I just keep going back for more? Well, there are several features on the Rebound Racer that, as a teen, I love.

Firstly: the adjustable shoulder straps. The straps have small tabs of velcro neatly tucked away underneath enabling you to, at any point, change your mind and loosen or tighten them to your liking.

350037_690_d1_ZM_clipped_rev_1350037_690_d2_ZM_clipped_rev_1Then there is the adjustable back clip with three different tightness options. This allows for a longer period of use as the fabric may stretch (although, I’ve had my oldest one for over a year and I have yet to feel the need to tighten the clasp). The back clip allows you to be supported and the bra to sit firm around your chest, but without feeling like you are trying really hard to breath during a workout or whilst running errands.

Another well thought out feature of the sports bra is the two layers of fabric. The first layer is to ensure you don’t have any uncomfortable situations that some women may encounter when it becomes cold, with the second thicker layer, which is almost like a bandage, providing the tightness or support you relate to by feeling held in.

And fourth but certainly not final: the colour range. Wearing my Rebound Racer bras every day, I feel like I need some variation in colour. With the choice I have (green, blue, purple and pink), I can turn on my inner fashionista and mix and match with my ”outfit” (9/10 times it is Lycra to go out for a ride).

Images provided by Brooks 

As I mentioned before I am an active teen. I ride bikes, go to school and work in a bike shop. Running from place to place, I need something that will keep me feeling supported and can continue to do so in the various activities I complete on a daily basis. At 16, I have well and truly stepped off the puberty train and developed into a young women. I wear a size 10D and, for my age, I would classify myself as small breasted. But even being a small 16 year old, I still need adequate support to feel comfortable with what I do each day. The Brooks Rebound Racer holds me in just right and enables me to run, jump, ride over logs and do whatever else I desire without fretting about discomfort or lack of support.

By Courtney Snowball

IMG_9009Courtney is a She Science Ambassador and avid Mountain Biker. At just 16 she is competing in the national mountain biking circuit, placing 4thoverall in 2016 and 3rd overall in 2017. This year she has qualified for the UCI Mountain Bike World Championships in September. Follow her on Instagram @courtney_snowball.