True Endurance Sports Bras Do Exist

After my professional fit by the Team at She Science I discovered the Anita Active Dynamix Star X-back and although I have been tempted and tried other sports bras – this one remains my favourite.

0658_51562Before finding the Dynamix I always got nasty chafing across my back and under my breasts after a triathlon or Ironman event.

Given you start in the water then head on a ride and a run I had thought chafing was just inevitable.

After racing with the Dynamix for the first time I didn’t chafe.

It is awesome. It’s a true endurance sports bra! I also use it for my F45 Training and even on the h ottest Melbourne days whilst training in a stuffy shed I can rely on the Dynamix.

I find it really easy to get into and out of – which is a plus when you have any type of arthritic condition and especially when your body is swollen and sweaty from exercise.

$_1It is also one of the few sports bras that give your breasts shape as well as support! If you are a person that likes to have a flat tight chest whilst exercising then this may not be the bra for you but if this is not a concern then I recommend it.

This shape also allows you to wear it as an everyday bra if you are trying to avoid washing multiple items or packing another bra for your evening workout.

The straps are easily adjustable from the front!

The colours are a combination of subtle and funky! I have both a Peacock and Black one which I find blends well with my tri suit and gym gear.dyn black back

The fabric is soft and breathable and really durable. I have had my bra for over a year now and it still looks like brand new and I would wash it at least three times a week. I also find that this style of fabric allows for quick drying.

The other great thing about this bra is it doesn’t matter if you are a 16D or 12C (available A-G, 10-18) this bra looks great and you are completely supported, giving you the confidence to achieve whatever it is you set out to achieve!

13173804_10153781682415547_845512458671438348_n (002)By Sonia Dunne

Sonia is an accomplished Ironman and Triathlete who has an unstoppable approach to life. She is also a She Science Ambassador. You can follow Sonia @sonia_D2277